Category Archives: General

When the cracks really started to spread

I went digging through the archives and found this message to Zach and John from August 15, 2016.  Here we were many months over our “8-10 week” estimate and they were already blowing me off and ignoring me. Let’s step … Continue reading

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Don’t tease me!

I was contacted today by an anonymous reader. They stated this blog was not surprising and have information they would like to share in time. I don’t know who you are, but I am soooo curious. Sounds like Landfare has … Continue reading

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General sloppiness

There won’t be much to this page but pictures that I took through out the Landfare project and sent to Zach and John to show them issues I was uncovering. Patio brick Landfare had to lay the patio that was … Continue reading

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