Why doesn’t Landfare exist?

In retrospect, it is very curious to me that Landfare had no reviews or ratings on any website. This should have been a red flag for me and I have an hunch as to why they seem to not exist. In July of 2017 I realized there was little hope of Landfare completing my project satisfactorily and decided to write some reviews on the usual suspects to warn the public: Angie’s List, Houzz, Google, and a few others.

Wow! Talk about an immediate response. It takes John 48 days to respond (yes, simply respond) to a what he promised a customer, but say something negative online and you have his attention in a hurry. He had an email to me within 2 days telling me to take down my reviews. Then, John told me he was unwilling to talk to me about any sort of remedy until I took my reviews down.

Interestingly enough, they had zero reviews on Google when I posted my review. Suddenly, within a few weeks they have a bunch of positive reviews. That sure seems coincidental.

Here is my initial review from late July.  I posted it on July 22, 2017. Note the screenshot from July 24. Then, a new review appeared the next day in what I am guessing was a PR assist, that is, Landfare reached out to family and friends to write positive reviews for them to counter my review.

Today is September 11, 2017. Fascinating. Landfare has so many 5 star positive reviews all of a sudden:

Let’s look at a few other sites.

Houzz… nothing in 17 years.

BBB… nothing in 17 years. No reviews either good or bad. An A+ rating comes down to not having a complaint and the age of the business.  Based on how Landfare reacted to my negative review, I speculate that they have been proactive in whitewashing any negativity.

Angie’s List… nothing.

Yelp. A singular negative review.

Point being, don’t be fooled by the “ballot box” stuffing. Landfare had no online reviews positive or negative until I left a negative review and now it appears they are trying to whitewash. It is very suspicious that a company that has supposedly been in business for 17 years has no reviews… not one. They don’t exist. I wonder why?

EDIT 12/20/2017

I had forgotten that Landfare had stopped allowing reviews on their Facebook page until I took walk through some old screenshots I have. Talk about whitewashing… they will prevent you from rating them in public where they can. I posted a rating and subsequently they disable the public’s ability to do so on Facebook.

Proof my review existed:

And what folks see now:

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Let’s start with what Landfare promised on the project outset and let’s compare to what actually happened. After signing the initial contract and statement of work (SoW) I received the following:

Hello All,

I trust everyone is well!
Firstly, thanks to XXX for bringing us all together.  And of course, thanks so much to XXX and XXX for awarding Landfare the contract.  We are very grateful and excited to be a part of this project.
Our official launch day is Tuesday 10/27/15.  Please expect Ohio Utilities Protection Services to be marking lines toward the end of next week.  We do not know what time or the exact day they will arrive but they will need access to the entire property.  If necessary, we could wait until we are on site daily to have them mark lines so that there is not a security issue presented with gates being left unlocked for access.
Our typical workday is between the hours of 8:30a-5p depending on schedule, weather etc.  We typically manage a 2 man crew with supplemental crew members as the demand requires along with sub-contractors where applicable.  We will put forth a schedule in 2 week increments as the weather causes a constant state of fluctuation with longer periods of work predicted when we enter “high visibility” periods of the project.  We do prefer to enter the site and gain a clear understanding of the scope prior to beginning a schedule.  I can however tell you that this project will be requiring around 8-10 weeks to complete.  Please be aware however that as we approach colder temperatures, the timeline may slide.
I know XXX mentioned that we plan to meet on site Wednesday 10/21 at 9:15a for a pre-construction meeting.  We can hopefully address the temporary gates/access etc. at that time.
XXXXX, our Construction Director, will be managing your project.  His information is below:
[email protected]

Of course you are welcome to contact John or myself anytime as well.

Please know that we wish for this process to be marked by open, honest communication which will lead to your utmost satisfaction upon our completion.

See you soon!

Zachary Miller GM

What actually happened?

First, 8-10 weeks? In retrospect that was not even in the realm of possibility. Zach was onsite still fixing issues on June 21, 2017 that were related to the initial statement of work. Of course, I know that we had added a few items mid-project when I was still under the ill informed impression that Landfare could deliver quality work, but even in 2017, they were STILL trying to get things from the initial SoW to a point of completion.

Let’s give Landfare the benefit of the doubt and add a full month to the project time line they told me above. After all, as Zach said, the weather may not cooperate as we were heading into winter. That’s 14 weeks total ending around February 2, 2016. Let’s review what was actually happening at that time frame. They had not even progressed to the point of being able to lay our porch limestone. This was in the initial SoW and a basic deliverable for the project.

Let’s add two more months to the project (why not?) and look at our progress in the first week of May 2016. In the initial SoW they were to dry lay a brick tree lawn in the front of the house and they had not started that work as of early May. Remember, this is all hypothetical and I am adding 3 months to the 8-10 week time line mentioned above. Without any real hiccups in the initial project SoW they were already at twice the estimated time line.  All told, Landfare failed to estimate the time their project would take and as the customer, that meant I was not be able to plan my life accordingly. It drags on a person (and their neighbors!) to have loud work early every morning for months past the estimated project time frame.

There is also a mention of a schedule being published every two weeks. This sounds grand. Let me be blunt, in nearly two years I never received a schedule like this EVER from Landfare. Not. One. Time. When I would ask for such things it was ignored.

Lastly, let’s talk about the so called “construction director” who we’ll call Josh. One would expect this construction director to be in constant contact with you, the client. One would expect this person to be your point of contact throughout the project. One would expect this person to be the first line of defense to identify quality issues. None of this was the case. The person who was the construction director in the case was essentially the guy doing much of the work and as we talk about elsewhere, his work was not good. He was not inspecting the sub’s work either. We’ll talk about the masons in particular and their issues elsewhere, but this construction director concept was a sham. Zach was the closest thing on the project to a construction director and Zach certainly wasn’t on the job site consistently to demand quality and call out issues. That ended up being my job in time. Why did I pay Landfare a markup to manage them? Had I wanted that job, I would have hired subs myself.

Landfare did not deliver on any of the main items called out in their kick off email. In retrospect, Landfare was off track on day one.


Don’t accept an open ended contract. I was foolish and thought that Landfare would be incented to complete the work to a high level of quality and in a timely manner. After all, I was sure they have a reputation to maintain and had other jobs to move onto therefore such a contract clause would not be unnecessary. Not having such a clause provides no accountability for time lines. The project could drag out forever and there is no contractual recourse… which happened to me.

The contractor working on my interior renovation provided exactly this.

All Work to be performed under this Contract shall be substantially completed 44 weeks after on-site commencement. Substantial completion of this project is the date when construction is sufficiently complete so that owner can occupy or utilize the project for the use for which is was intended.

Note, in this case the contractor has stated when the project will be substantially complete and has defined what substantially complete means. Do not enter into a contract that does not stipulate such things lest you have a contractor in your yard for well over a year after the promised completion date. This is a powerful tool to hold a contractor in breach of contract when they simply are not timely.

Additionally, this new contractor has provided me with a 2 page Gantt chart of all work to be performed with specific deadlines and time lines. I KNOW they are budgeting 60 days to complete my tile work. Landfare never provided anything like this to me. Their project management was wholly inadequate and dare I say, non-existent. From my perspective, they did whatever whenever they got around to it as I had no real evidence to the contrary.

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Certainly much of my frustration with Landfare was related to their quality of work and attention to detail, but I think the part that frustrated me the most was their attitude. On the surface, they seem to be relatively invested and accommodating. However, that goes skin deep.

When dealing with a service company I want them to control their quality. After all, I am paying them for their expertise as well as time and materials. One typically won’t return to a restaurant that can’t deliver consistent quality. If your medium rare filet comes out as a well done New York strip, that’s unacceptable. Then, if the waiter takes it back after you point out the error and it happens another time or three, I can’t see any reasonable person not being bewildered and frustrated. This sort of scenario tells you a few things:

  • The waiter is not paying attention. He should have spotted the error immediately before the plate left the kitchen.
  • The kitchen isn’t paying attention.  There should be a clear order they can deliver on.
  • The order may never have been taken correctly in the first place meaning the waiter was not paying attention.
  • You would expect some sort of higher level quality control. How is a manager not on top of this issue after the first time let alone the second time? You would expect a manager to be on high alert and making absolutely sure that the issue did not arise a second time. They may even come out to your table to apologize and make sure the customer is well taken care of.

These are all of the questions I asked myself with Landfare. How is it that they repeatedly left the job site with things so obviously wrong? Who is maintaining the quality? Why am I, the client, having to drive quality, inspect work myself, and then call them to the carpet to remedy? How is it that the owner, whom I copied nearly all of my emails, is not absolutely beside himself? How is he not falling over himself to show the customer that this is unacceptable and he will get to the bottom of the issue once and for all?

The situation would be very different if I had pointed out a few things and gotten a response like “Thank you for pointing that out. We noticed that too and just hadn’t had a chance to let you know. That said, we will fix it on date X.”  This was never the case. Issues were constantly and consistently found through out the project by me. There was no acknowledgement of them being known or any sort of proactive inspection regiment. It was apparent that no one was inspecting work. This is simply unacceptable. One hires a general contractor so that the contractor is making sure everyone under their authority is maintaining quality. That’s part of the the value of a GC and why you pay the 15% mark up. If I wanted to coordinate the project and maintain the accountability of quality, I would hire my own subs and run the project myself.

At the end of the day the only thing I could surmise is that Landfare did not care and hoped things went well OR had no concept of proactive quality control and inspection. In either event, this is not someone I want working on my project.


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